William (Billy) Rosslee

William (Billy) Rosslee

Age : 37

Nationality: South Africa

Province : North Gauteng

Division : Classic

Ranking : 6th in North Gauteng

Tenure : Shooting for 2 years.

Highest Achievement : 1st B Class. North Gauteng, Standard Division.

Bio : I've been shooting competitively since May 2021, and have been shooting Silver Rapids since then. I have found them to be clean, accurate and consistent, with very little leading in the barrel and they are easy to reload. I practice with 125gr 9mm and shoot competitions with 147gr 9mm and I am wholly satisfied with what Silver Rapids delivers as a sport shooting bullet. I am also a firearm instructor, and I use Silver Rapids for all my training needs including their 62gr .223 bullet, and 158gr .38spl. They have never let me down and I’ve never had an issue with quality or under par performance. Highly recommended.

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