Navarre Muller

Navarre Muller

Age : 32

Nationality: South African

Province : Eastern Gauteng

Division : Production

Ranking : 2nd in South Africa

Tenure : Shooting for 5 years.

Highest Achievement : 14th at the 2022 IPSC Handgun World Shoot in Thailand.

Bio : I have been shooting competitively since January 2018. On the 6th October 2021 I received a Silver Rapids sponsorship and later that month, I won the Africa Area Handgun Champs in Production. Since then I have received a shipment of Silver Rapids every single month without fail. This has allowed me to dedicate more time and resources to my growth as a shooter.

Silver Rapids have really given me the confidence and motivation to keep going and as a result of their unwavering support towards me, I received the opportunity to represent my country in The 2022 IPSC Handgun World Shoot in Thailand and placed 14th at this match.

Since shooting the Silver Rapids bullets, I have had a lot more opportunity to train. The quality of the bullets are fantastic and I would highly recommend to all to shoot them extensively. I shoot the 147gr round. I find the heavier 9mm bullet better for my style of shooting. This round is a very comfortable and reliable round, it is also less aggressive on my barrel life as a result of the high quality coating which Silver Rapids uses on their bullets. I have found these bullets to be very accurate, reliable and less Smokey during rapid fire.

I have shot close to 20 thousand Silver Rapids and have had no issues in loading or shooting these bullets.

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