Jennifer Timmer

Jennifer Timmer

Age: 26

Nationality: South African

Province: Northern Gauteng (NGPSA)

Division: Production

Ranking: 4th in ladies over ll and 1st Lady in


Tenure: My first league was in November


Highest Achievement: 3rd place in ladies at

the June nationals held at Golden City 2022.

Bio: I've been shooting since 2018, competitively since 2021. I've been shooting Silver Rapids from last year, joined The Red Caps after the Limpopo Nationals. In the past I've had issues in getting other ammo to work and function properly in my Firearm (she's a bit fussy). But once I started reloading Silver Rapids, all those problems went away. I've to date not had issues with Silver Rapids. Only minor changes that needed to be made to my press (crimping). I've been shooting 125gr 9mm heads, and after this nationals, I'm moving over to the 147gr 9mm heads. For lighter recoil and better handling. Silver Rapids have never let me down. I don't have that fear in the back of my head of my ammo jamming or malfunctioning at a club shoot, league, or nationals. Having that peace of mind definitely gives you the edge. Outstanding quality that is always guaranteed! Next Generation Bullets!

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